Use a strong grip to chip

If you tend to spray shots off-line, it means you face your share of chip shots. Your ability to get down in two from just off the green will mean the difference between a good score and a mediocre one. If you're taking three shots to get the ball in the hole when you miss a green, then your potential to score better is great -- if you sharpen your chipping game.

So-so chipping may be the result of a lackadaisical stroke that results in mishit and misdirected shots. If your chipping isn't crisp and positive, try strengthening your grip by turning both hands slightly to the left. Hold on firmly with your right hand. When making the stroke, concentrate on keeping your wrists firm and keeping the back of your right hand moving down the line and facing the target, without allowing the left hand to rotate over the right. Hit down slightly on the ball, keeping the clubhead moving down the line after impact.

You should experience a feeling of increased control over the clubhead, and the ball should start jumping solidly off the clubface on your intended line.