The straight ball-take away

If you're hitting your drives a long way but spraying them from side to side, the cure may lie in your takeaway -- specifically within the first foot-and-a-half from the ball.

For many golfers, how the club approaches the ball at impact mirrors the takeaway. Power hitters tend to pull the driver sharply inside the target line in the takeaway. Consequently, the clubhead approaches impact from the inside, moves down the line and returns to inside on the follow-through. This inside-to-inside path promotes power for two reasons. First, the clubhead comes to the ball on a level path; second, the inside takeaway fans the clubface open in the takeaway. On the return the face moves quickly from open to square to closed, putting left-to-right spin on the ball for more distance.

At least that's the theory. You'll get the booming tee shot only when your timing is perfect and the club travels down the line at impact with a square clubface. But perfection is elusive: If either the clubhead path or clubface is off by even a hair, the result will be a mix of erratic shots, mostly hooks and pushes. One of the best ways to keep the clubhead closer to the target line and reduce the chance of a misaligned clubface is by adopting the straight-back takeaway.


The first 18 inches of the takeaway is the key. Envision a foot-and-a-half line straight back from the ball and pull the clubhead slowly over that line with your hands. Your right hand, arm and shoulder move as a unit in setting the club in motion. Move the club back as slowly as you can to promote balance in the lower body and also to encourage a strong turning of the upper body in the backswing.

Starting the club straight along the target line should mean the club will return straight along the line for that crucial one foot on either side of the ball. Also, because the clubface won't fan open quite as much on the takeaway, you won't have to force a release of the hands to square up at impact.

This "straight-ball" takeaway alters the plane of your driver, making it more upright. The clubhead will come into the ball on a steeper angle, so ball position must be just right if you're going to hit the ball "dead level." You may lose a few yards if you catch the ball a shade on the downswing or upswing, but the increased accuracy more than outweighs any small distance loss. Remember, too, that a drive in the fairway rolls much farther than one in the rough.