Perfecr wrist cock

When a player's backswing is shorter than normal, creating power through hand action becomes more important. Your wrist cock, therefore, demands perfection. Because it plays a major role in your swing, there is no room for extraneous or unnecessary movement. The three-step drill is a popular way to ensure that your wrists reach the proper position at the top of the swing, so they can uncock with maximum force.

Assume your normal address with a 5-iron. First, without changing your spine angle, lift the club and let the shaft rest on your left shoulder. Then make as big a turn as possible so the clubhead points at the target.

Lastly, lift your arms in the air to reach a top-of-the-swing position. If you follow all three steps, your wrists will be fully cocked. Try this drill several times, then try to reach the same position making a normal backswing. If you can, you'll have an efficient, power-producing wrist cock.